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5,500 GB of new content each day. Secure, fast and easy. Try it yourself and discover, why the Usenet is up to date for decades.

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What it is

The Usenet currently contains 35,630 Terabyte Terabyte (that's 36,485,046 GB) of content. 5,500 GB is added daily! Become a part of it. We offer you access to billions of files of the last 10 years! Completely anonymous, secure and legal. You get full speed and don't have to offer anything on your own.

What it is

What we do

We made the Usenet easy accessible and secure to use for our users. With our software for Windows, macOS and Linux, billions of files are sorted and easily searchable. Find whatever you want. Receive your downloads with maximum speed and SSL encrypted. You benefit from 12 years of development and you get access to the latest content in real time.

What we do

Why you need it

Not only do we provide the longest retention of 7,159 days and therefore more than 10 years, but also the highest completeness and the biggest integrated search engine for the Usenet, as well as free SSL encryption. Plans that are perfect for you - regardless of whether you want to download each day, or only a few times a month.

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Why you need it